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Obtaining the Seal

Unit 5 Schools will offer both the Seal and Commendation to graduates beginning in 2018-2019 school year.

Students will qualify through demonstrating proficiency on the AP Language and Culture exam for Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese as well as meeting the college readiness benchmarks for the SAT or, for students who are English Learners, by meeting the IL proficiency criteria on ACCESS 2.0.

The district will offer support through the high school guidance counselors and foreign language teachers who can support students as they plan and prepare to apply for the Seal or Commendation.

The district will recognize students who earn the Commendation and the Seal by affixing the Seal or Commendation to the student’s transcript and diploma.

For More Information

AP Central

Information in regards to the AP language assessment and fees.

Illinois Board of Education-Seal of Biliteracy Resources

Resources and information from the Illinois Board of Education on the Seal of Biliteracy

State Seal of Biliteracy FAQ

Information from Illinois State Board of Education on the Seal of Biliteracy.

Seal of Biliteracy Coordinator

Leslie Romagnoli

Leslie Romagnoli


English Learner Program Coordinator

Seal of Biliteracy Coordinator