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New Students to the District Registration

New Student Registration

Registration for this School Year (2024-2025) is now open.  

Please contact one of the schools (information below) your students will attend to begin the pre-registration process for your Unit 5 K-12 students.  If you are unsure of the school your students will attend, you can check District Boundary Maps or contact the Unit Office at 557-4242.  Once you review the district boundary maps and you live in an Open Attendance Area (District Boundary Maps), please contact the Unit Office Registration Line at 557-4242. 

Español: Si usted necesita ayuda o asistencia en Español,  por favor comuníquese con Lilia al 557-4629.

The school will collect some basic information and then send an email with a registration link to register all of your Unit 5 students.  You will only need to submit one Online Registration Application for all of your students.  Please see the New Student Registration Help Sheet for additional information.  

 Early Learning students must be accepted into the program.  Once accepted you will receive an acceptance letter from the district with further information.  If you are interested in the Unit 5 early learning program please email to start the process of applying. 

 Preregistration consists of the following:

  • Online Registration - A link will be emailed to you after contacting the school. 
  • Parents/Guardians will need to contact the guidance office for their middle school and high school students to make an appointment.  
  • Required Forms - Please prepare your required forms. These forms can be uploaded during the online registration process (preferred method), mailed to the school, or dropped at the school office when it reopens.


Click on the level and select school of choice.