Current Student Registration
Current Unit 5 Student Registration
Registration is now open.
The Campus Parent Portal will be used to access online registration.
This link is for families who had a student registered with Unit 5 for the 2023-24 school year as well some new High School students who may have already completed online registration and have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Parents will log in to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal and complete the online registration process for returning students.
Registration consists of the following:
- Campus Parent Portal - Log in to Infinite Campus Parent Portal, go to "More" on the lefthand side of the page, and click on "Online Registration".
- Required Forms - Submit required forms to your school - either through online registration or brought to the school
- Fee Payments - TBD - We are not yet collecting fees at this time for any students. Fees will be available to pay after July 1st and additional information will be made available closer to that time.
- Walk-In Registration TBD - is required for all High School registrations. All schools will be available for walk-in registration and additional information can be found on the main page .
If you have questions please use the following ways to contact the district.
Contact the school your student attends.
Call the Unit Office Registration Line at 557-4242