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Artifical Intelligence

Position Statement

“Unit 5 is dedicated to educating each student to achieve personal excellence in an AI-driven world. We recognize the opportunities and challenges that AI presents for education, and we strive to use it in a responsible and ethical manner. We believe that AI can support individualized learning and success while enhancing the role of our educators as facilitators and mentors. We also believe that AI can foster creativity and innovation while preparing our students for their future. However, this must be done thoughtfully, ensuring student privacy and safety. Unit 5 is committed to providing a high-quality education that leverages AI as a tool, not a replacement, for human interaction and expertise.”

AI - Is it Helping or Replacing You?

Guiding Principles

Unit 5 is committed to educating each student to achieve personal excellence in an AI-driven world. Our mission is to prepare students for the challenges of the future by supporting the integration of AI into our existing goals, academic integrity, and security standards. 

Enhancing Educational Goals and Equitable Access:

AI use should enhance student learning by complementing teaching methods and adapting to individual learning styles, making educational experiences accessible to all. Its use should support students’ diverse abilities and promote equitable opportunities for their success.

Alignment with Policies and Regulations: 

AI use in our district will strictly adhere to existing regulations concerning student privacy, accessibility, and content safety. Any use of AI must adhere to existing board policy, acceptable use policy, and the student/parent handbook.  Additionally, staff are expected to comply with all relevant district policies and Illinois state laws that protect students’ personally identifiable information (PII).

Ethical Considerations in Academic Integrity:

AI should be used as a support, not a replacement for human teaching/learning, and its use should align with the district’s values and mission. As such, students should only use AI tools in accordance with teacher-established guidelines in instances where AI use is permitted, and should appropriately acknowledge and cite any AI assistance that was used in their work (adhering to district policy and guidelines found in the Student Handbook. Additionally, students/staff should not input Personal Identifiable Information (PII) of themselves or others into AI tools.

AI/Digital Literacy:

Unit 5 is committed to fostering AI/digital literacy (encompassing AI literacy) in the classroom and/or learning environment. Equipping students and staff with the skills necessary to navigate the changing digital landscape is imperative as we pursue responsible AI and technology use in the district. As such, it is the responsibility of all staff and students to ensure they are using AI within the C.A.R.E. Framework.

Professional Development for Educators:

Recognizing the varying levels of AI/Digital literacy among staff, Unit 5 will invest in ongoing training and support professional development opportunities. Using the C.A.R.E framework, educators will be able to guide students through AI/Digital literacy concepts, ethical considerations, and practical applications within their lessons, activities, and pedagogies.

Security, Privacy, and Safety

All AI systems integrated within the district must be evaluated for compliance with state and federal laws and regulations, including those related to data protection, privacy, and students’ online safety (e.g. COPPA, FERPA, SOPPA, etc.). Staff and students are prohibited from entering confidential or personal identifiable information into unauthorized AI tools, such as those without approved data privacy agreements on file with the Technology Department.

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation

Recognizing the rapid evolution of AI and other emerging technologies, Unit 5 commits to regular evaluations and updates to the AI usage policies and guidelines, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective.