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Instructional Technology Position Statement

Technology is a tool to enhance the operational and/or educational experience of the end users within the district. Technology should provide a means of increasing efficiency and therefore enhancing productivity. The instructional technology department realizes that technology changes quickly. Balancing the department’s ability to maintain and support technology which is heavily dependent on our users. Planning, developing and implementing new or updated technology is a process which is accomplished through careful consideration with a complete understanding of the necessary district resources in mind. It is the goal of the instructional technology department to balance resources while providing a world class experience when utilizing technology within the district.

Operational Definition:
The instructional technology department is responsible for the completion of two missions within the school district.

Operational Mission:
The Instructional Technology Department will provide and support a reliable and secure infrastructure that delivers essential equipment and applications to allow for increased efficiency and effectiveness of district operational departments.

Instructional Mission:
The Instructional Technology Department will provide and support a reliable and secure infrastructure that delivers media rich content and applications, which will enhance and develop student and teacher learning necessary to develop technologically literate citizens.

Operational Strategies:

  • Support and maintain a Microsoft Windows Domain.
  • Support and maintain a WAN network infrastructure.
  • Support current and future hardware implementations.
  • Support technology efficiencies within the HR, Financial and Superintendent departments.
  • Support the district Transportation, Food Service and Warehouse technology needs.
  • Support and maintain the district security cameras and access control.
  • Support and maintain the district Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone infrastructure.
  • Support and maintain backend support for Substitute teacher processing.
  • Support and maintain administrator cell phones.
  • Provide support through the Unit 5 Helpdesk.
  • Provide training to enhance the effectiveness and efficiencies of items listed above.

Instructional Strategies:

  • Support and maintain the Student Information System.
  • Support and maintain teacher based laptop initiative.
  • Provide consistent technology across all district educational facilities.
  • Provide a course management system for increased instructional / classroom management.
  • Plan and infuse technology through the curriculum planning cycle.
  • Develop, Sustain and Promote a student based technology program to include:
  • Digital Skills Roadmap from PK-12
    • Internet Safety Program for students 3-12
    • System of positive recognition for student work
    • Creation of a showcase of digital skills.
    • Create and maintain student workers as well as develop coop and intern opportunities.
  • Providing ongoing professional development opportunities such as:
    • One on One teacher trainings
    • One on One administrator trainings
    • Small Group Instruction
    • Localized – Building Based Sessions
    • Local PDA courses
    • District Wide PDA courses
    • Summer training opportunities
    • Support of attendance at out of district workshops