Multimodal Project
Researching your Topic
Break your Topic into Subtopics: Capital Punishment (topic) > Racism (subtopic) = Are more minorities subjected to capital punishment?
Use Keywords: Think of the key words that describe what you are researching and the kind of information you need. Link your keywords with AND to narrow your subject.
For example, "racial profiling" AND statistics AND "United States."
Try Different Search Terms: Remember to think of different ways to search for your topic. Different authors will use different words for the same thing: e.g. Capital Punishment or Death Penalty; Global Warming or Climate Change. Rephrase your search if you don't find many results on your subject.
Research Resources
To find journal, newspaper and magazine articles on your topic, use the library databases. Several databases that are helpful for social issue topics are listed below.
Useful websites for researching social issues:
Global Issues: Topics of worldwide interest with link to related issues.
Pro Con: Not for profit site that offers topics and information on both sides of an argument. Select, "Issues We Cover," then "Topics A-Z."
Pew Research Center Social Trends: A nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
- CQ Researcher: Noted for its in-depth, unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the economy.
Multimodal Presentation Tools
Go to 'Student Web Tools' to view FREE presentation options.
- Research
- Outline/Storyboard (Storyboard Template)/Photo Essay Planning Guide
- Script
- Produce
IMC Video/Recording Equipment
- Green Screen & lighting kit
- Script Teleprompter
- iPad with DoInk App
- Tripods with cell phone/iPad attachments
- 30 USB Headsets with mics
- 2 USB microphones
Copyright-friendly images & music
Copyright-friendly images:
Pics4Learning: Offers a safe, free image library for education.
flickrCC: Good place to start when looking for Creative Commons images.
Pixaby: Free image and video database.
Royalty Free music: