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Israel and Palestine Timeline Project

Israel and Palestine Conflict Overview is a nonprofit organization based in Santa Monica, Calif. that offers the pros and cons on almost every Arab-Israeli dispute.

Middle East Research & Information Project , a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., presents a detailed analysis of the Arab-Israeli conflict, beginning with an explanation of the land and Zionism and ending with the 2000 uprising.

Council on Foreign Relations has an interactive “Crisis Guide” video on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. View the multimedia features, including a timeline and narrated videos.

The Guardian The Guardian provides an interactive historical account of the Arab–Israeli conflict and the creation of Israel beginning with the Ottoman Empire.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict Overview from Gale Student Resources in Context

Israel and Palestine Timeline Resources

BBC News:  A History of Conflict Timeline

TimeLine (Chronology) of Zionism and the History of Israel

TimeLine of Israeli-Palestinian History and the Arab-Israeli Conflict 

Buzzle: Palestine Israel Conflict Timeline

Wikipedia: Timeline of Jewish History

Israel and Palestine IMC Booklist


 Remember to cite ALL your sources!  Go to the Citation Resources page to see how!




Top Sites for Creating Timelines by David Kapular

1. Capzles- Quite simply one of the nicest timeline creation sites around, with a beautiful user interface as well as the ability to embed into a site.
2. Time Rime - An excellent site that allows users to create multimedia timelines.
3. TimeGlider - Great site that not only lets users create multimedia timelines but legends as well. There is a “plus upgrade” in the works specifically for education.
4. Dipity - Create beautiful timelines with the ability to add video/pictures.
5. Time Toast - A bullet point centered timeline w/ text and pictures.
6. Preceden - A fun easy site to use to create interactive timelines.
7. Timelinr - A very simple to use timeline generator that only displays text.
8. Read Write Think - Very similar to Our Timelines for creating text only timelines.

David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. For more information about his work, contact him at and read his blog at