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Illinois History Research

Research Databases

Access your library databases HERE to find collections of magazine, journal, newspaper articles, abstracts, images, videos, and other information, which has been checked for accuracy and reliability.
Research Databases


Annotated Bibliography

What is an annotated bibliography? View the NHD Annotated Bibliography Guide & videos to learn more






Artist’s Last Name, First Name (if any). “Title of the Picture.” Title of the Site, Date, URL. Accessed Date. 


Funelf. “Download Me a Fish.” Fun Elf, 2012, Accessed 26 Aug. 2016.




Image result for abe lincoln meme don't believe everything on the Internet




SIFT breakdown

*Design layout for SIFT based on shared image from the University of Oregon

Illinois History Online Resources

Finding Primary Sources


Websites to Find Primary Sources:

Library of Congress - a research library in Washington, D.C., that serves as the library and research service of the U.S. Congress. Access this site to search for digitized images and documents.

National Archives  - Research your ancestry and explore important documents in U.S. history.

Illinois Digital Archives

Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection

Chicago History & Culture Collections

Chicago Libraries, Archives & Collections

DPLA: Digital Public Library of America  

LOC Digital Collections (former "American Memory Project")  - firsthand evidence of historical events

Awesome Stories - Primary source collections

New York Public Library Digital Gallery - Maps, posters, prints and more

Historical Scene Investigations - Use primary sources to decide for yourself the unsolved questions in U.S. history.

Digital History - (Teachers: see classroom handouts for teachers)

Docs Teach - Over Four Thousand primary documents from the National Archives; tons of resources and ready to use tools to enhance instruction

Free Federal Resources for Educational Excellence 

Our Documents - Click “100 milestone documents” on the right

Conversations with History  - Interviews with important individuals in modern history

Indigenous People’s Literature  - Legends, poetry, quotes, biographies, important documents

Old Dominion University Library – Historical Documents



Find a book

Search our library catalog: 
West Book Catalog

IL History IMC Book List

IL History Books - Arcadia Publishing

Google Books


We have eBooks available through Gale Virtual Reference Library:




Google Tips & Tricks

When searching the Web or library databases, be specific in your terms. Rather than searching "American Dream," try being more specific.
  • "American dream" education
  • "American dream" equality
  • "American dream" race

If you're searching Google, plug the following words into your search string:

unemployment statistics

Google will ONLY pull up all the results about unemployment statistics that are from .gov websites! 

Check out the Boolean pamphlet for more research tips and tricks!

Try Google Scholar to find scholarly material for your research!