Atomic Bombing - Was it Justified?
Atomic Bombing—Was it Justified?
Truman Library A-Bomb Archives
The Central Intelligence Agency A-bomb Site
Final months of war with Japan: A bomb decision
Documents Relating to the Atomic Bomb and Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
History and Ethics of Manhattan Project
The Enola Gay A-Bomb Site – Paul Tibbets
Rongstad’s Nuclear Warfare Links
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists-UOC
Damages Caused By Atomic Bombs
Pro and Con of Dropping the Bomb
History, Science and Consequences of Dropping the Atomic Bomb
The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey-European Theater
The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey-Pacific Theater
Japanese Political Strategy Prior to Outbreak of War
Jensen’s Web Resource for military History-click on WWII: Pacific