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American Dream - Shaw

Research Databases

Access your library databases HERE to find collections of magazine, journal, newspaper articles, abstracts, images, videos, and other information, which has been checked for accuracy and reliability. 

SIRS Student Research Guide

Research Databases


From Bloom's Literature:

The American Dream in The Great Gatsby           

The American Dream in Of Mice and Men  

The American Dream in A Raisin in the Sun   

Research Format & Citations

Your American Dream

The resources on this page will help guide you in researching and defining YOUR American Dream.

College, Career & Occupation Research

Explore Your Options:

College Search:

Salary Research & Income Potential:

Articles about the American Dream

Find a book


American Dream Book List -- books available in the IMC!

OR search our library catalog:

West Book Catalog


We have eBooks available through Gale Virtual Reference Library:



Use the SIFT Method to Evaluate Information 


SIFT breakdown

Web accessible version

*Design layout for SIFT based on shared image from the University of Oregon

Google Tips & Tricks

When searching the Web or library databases, be specific in your terms. Rather than searching "American Dream," try being more specific.
  • "American dream" education
  • "American dream" equality
  • "American dream" race

If you're searching Google, plug the following words into your search string:

unemployment statistics

Google will ONLY pull up all the results about unemployment statistics that are from .gov websites! 

Check out the Boolean pamphlet for more research tips and tricks!

Try Google Scholar to find scholarly material for your research!