American Dream - Shaw
Research Databases
The American Dream in The Great Gatsby
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Annotated Bibliography Guides
Your American Dream
The resources on this page will help guide you in researching and defining YOUR American Dream.
College, Career & Occupation Research
Explore Your Options:
Occupational Outlook HandbookProvides overviews of occupations and projections for employment over the next decade, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
O*NET OnLineFree online resource providing information about occupations by the US Department of Labor and Employment and Training Administration.
Career OneStopA source for career exploration, training, and jobs by the U.S. Department of Labor.
College Search:
- College Board: College Search -- Use College Search to find the right college for you. Search over 3000 colleges by location, major, type, and more.
- Student Debt Affordability Calculator -- a tool to help you understand and evaluate the financial implications of your decisions on how to pay for college.
Salary Research & Income Potential:
Wage Estimates by StateFrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics
National Compensation SurveyFrom the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Salary.comContains articles and reports related to salaries across various industries. Has tools that allow you to browse and search for salaries in the US and Canada, including for executives.
- Salaries and gives you examples of salary and wages information. Just type in the an occupation i.e. doctor.
Articles about the American Dream
NCES: Employment Rates of College Graduates
The American Dream While Black
BOTW: Millennial American Dream Study
Journal of Economic Perspectives: Homeownership and the American Dream
Census Bureau Homeownership Statistics
Do Millennials Have It Better or Worse Than Generations Past?
How the American Dream Has Changed
Library of Congress: American Dream Essay
American Public Media: A Better Life, Creating the American Dream
What is the American Dream Today?
Who Still Believes in the American Dream?
Most think the 'American Dream' is within reach for them - Pew Research Center (2017)
Indian immigrants make it obvious that the American dream is alive and well
More people express uncertainty in chance to achieve the American Dream
Harder for Americans to Rise From Lower Rungs
The American Dream in The Great Gatsby
Find a book
American Dream Book List -- books available in the IMC!
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We have eBooks available through Gale Virtual Reference Library:

Use the SIFT Method to Evaluate Information
Google Tips & Tricks
- "American dream" education
- "American dream" equality
- "American dream" race
If you're searching Google, plug the following words into your search string:
unemployment statistics
Google will ONLY pull up all the results about unemployment statistics that are from .gov websites!
Check out the Boolean pamphlet for more research tips and tricks!
Try Google Scholar to find scholarly material for your research!