Compensation Reports
Certified Administrator & Teacher Salary & Benefits Report
Illinois Public Act 97-0256, Sections 10-20.47 and 34-18.38 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-20.47 and 5/34-18.38), requires school districts to report administrator and teacher salary and benefits to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) before October 1, and then post that report on its website.
2023-2024 Certified Administrator & Teacher Salary & Benefits Report
IMRF Compensation Report
Public Act 97-609 (5 ILCS 120/7.3) requires an employer participating in the IMRF to post on its website the total compensation package for each employee having a total compensation package that exceeds $75,000 per year, within 6 business days after that employer approves a budget.
2023-2024 IMRF Compensation Report
IMRF Cost & Participation Information
Public Act 101-0504 requires Unit 5 to provide a link to IMRF Cost & Participation Information on the IMRF website.