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Title I

  Title 1 is a federally funded program that provides supplemental support in reading for students who demonstrate need. The Unit 5 Title 1 program includes grades Kindergarten through fifth, with the focus on primary grades.  

How are Students Selected?

In the fall, teachers refer students who are experiencing reading difficulties in the classroom. The teacher considers the student’s classroom performance, reading progress and assessment data. The Title 1 teacher then assesses the reading needs of the child. Using all this information, final selections are made. Once admitted, each student’s performance is annually assessed.

How Does Title I Work?

The federal government provides money to fund the Title 1 program. This is the “basic grant.”

The State Education Agency (Illinois) allocates money to school districts based on the number of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch.

The Local Education Agency (McLean County USD #5) chooses “target” schools to participate in the Title 1 program. Schools whose free and reduced lunch population exceeds 35% are eligible for Title 1 funds. Although schools qualify on the basis of this count, Title 1 students are chosen by greatest educational need, not income.  

What Kind of Program Does the Title I Grant Provide?

The Title I program provides reading intervention as a collaborative effort between the classroom teacher and the Title I teacher.

Students are provided intervention instruction during the designated grade level intervention block. Scientific research based interventions (Reading Recovery, Guided Reading Plus, Comprehensive Focus Groups and Assisted Writing) are incorporated into daily instruction. Quality children’s literature is used as a foundation for the program in addition to phonics instruction, writing and guided reading.

  How are Parents Involved in Title I?

In Title 1 Family Programs we encourage the connection between home and school in many ways:

  • Family Meetings
  • Family Monthly Newsletter
  • Reading Resources for Home
  • Use Parent Advisory Council

We welcome you to the Title I Reading Team where children, parents and teachers work together to ensure success.

Why Should I Know About Title I?

It can improve reading!

Title I can help:

  • Children do better in school and feel better about themselves.
  • Parents understand their children better. Parents can also have more say about their child’s education.
  • Teachers benefit from the suggestions and support that parents offer and from the satisfaction of seeing children succeed.